Tips to Help Heal Your Body And Your Mind

We are what we eat. The food we consume has an impact on your physical and mental well-being. Nutritional intake can make or break strength, energy, heart health, sleep quality, immunity, and mental health. Consider incorporating a new routine to bring clean eating into your lives to help ensure overall health. These tips from Wellness & Wealth By Choice can get you on the right track!


Don’t Think of a Diet as a Way to Lose Weight


Restrictive diets indeed help people lose weight, but a diet in the most general sense is simply what we eat. A diet can be bad if your food intake is unhealthy or excessive, or if you’re depriving your body of important nutrients.


Adopting a healthy lifestyle can be challenging—the food might not seem as tasty at first. Science ABC stresses the fact that people love to eat unhealthy foods because they not only taste good but they also release pleasure-inducing neurotransmitters in our brains. Social situations, taste, and cost are factors that contribute to unhealthy eating as well, but you can develop good habits by finding what works for you and sticking to it.


For many people, trying to change their eating habits requires help. If you’ve struggled with maintaining a healthy weight, counseling is available online to help you!


Find Healthier Cooking Methods


An air fryer uses less oil than a traditional fryer, while providing the crispy texture that fried-food-lovers crave. Steamed vegetables are a low-calorie, nutrient-dense alternative to roasted or sautéed vegetables. But eating heart-healthy fats like olive oil can be beneficial, so roasting vegetables with oil is certainly not an unhealthy choice. Choose delicious foods that are better for you, like baked sweet potatoes instead of fries. Or, try avocado “fries” coated in almond flour for healthy fats and nutrients.


Eat Organic, Grow Organic


It can be kind of depressing how much more organic food alternatives can cost. Of course, if you grow your own food, you have total control, and can choose a no-pesticide organic approach. An indoor herb garden will let you grow all year, but getting out in the sun and spending time outdoors tilling the soil gets you moving around and also keeps you grounded. Fencing off an area can be cheaper than building the above-ground beds that are all the rage, with the same results.


Make Healthy Food Taste Good


The biggest complaint about healthy food is that it’s boring or tasteless, especially to children. This doesn’t have to be the case if you know what ingredients to use to make healthy food taste great. Taste enhancers including seasonings, sauces, oils and citrus juice, are your friends. You don’t need to cook with heaps of butter, sugar and salt like they do in restaurants. Your food can taste delectable with olive oil, avocado (on everything!), lemon juice, garlic, onions, pepper, herbs, turmeric and other spices and aromatics.


Turn Cooking into a Craft


Since kids like making things, you can get them involved in cooking. Look up fun, healthy recipes online and cook or bake together as a family. Your kids can snack on apples and almond or cashew butter in lieu of cookies and cream. Bon Appétit sheds light on how to avoid dairy by using nutritional yeast—a parmesan cheese alternative. You can also use nut milk instead of cow’s milk.


Avoid Anything Processed


Processed food tends to come from packaged dry goods that are non-perishable. Processed food includes sandwich meat, jarred and canned food, junk food, frozen meals, and just about anything at a fast food restaurant. Clean eating means food without additives and preservatives. When you’re shopping for groceries, avoid processed food by reading the labels. If it has too many ingredients, put it down.


Your body needs good, nutritious food in order to remain healthy. Your children will also be more likely to adopt good eating habits if you do. Starting a practice of healthy eating habits will help prevent the likelihood of childhood obesity and teach them nutritional skills for life.


If you suffer from a mental illness issue like anxiety, depression, or substance abuse, eating well has mental health benefits as well. Food directly affects your brain function, mood, and the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Along with therapy and other lifestyle modifications, it’s important to eat high-quality food with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants to protect and nourish your brain.


Our mental health is affected by what we consume—the way we love, and how we cope with stress, sadness, depression and anxiety—can all improve with better eating. Since your diet is one thing you can control, make it count by feeding your family the best possible food for their bodies.


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