How to Bring Nature into Your Home

various types of succulents in a rock bed planter.

“How to bring nature into your Home” has received some really great interest. It makes me very happy to know that there are many who understand we were created to live in the natural world. Because of modern living, we rarely have time to be in contact with nature. Clean fresh air is so important (our homes are 90 times more polluted than the outdoors). Natural sunlight is essential for our brains and brain chemicals, our eyes, and even our blood.

Most of us understand the importance of fresh air and sunlight, but did you know you also need exposure to earth’s magnetic energy field and earth’s negative ions? I read a great article by Dr. Mercola the other day. He is one of my favorites “get back to nature guys”. Research shows that chronic conditions, aches and pain, inflammation, sleeplessness, depression, and many other conditions can be improved just by taking time to go outside. You can even slow down the aging process!

Of course, if you are like me, your time is very limited. You work all day, have families and responsibilities all evening. The weekends are spent doing the things you didn’t have time to do during the week. How in the world can you “get back to nature”? Let me share with you how we solved this dilemma. We actually brought nature into our home. We turned our home into a greenhouse. We have clean fresh air in our home full of negative ions! We have natural sunlight in every room (especially where we read and work on the computer). But most of all, we have incorporated the earth’s natural energy field into our home. My M-Strides emit earth’s magnetic energy. I wear a  Perfect Link necklace around my neck 24/7. My Powerband Bracelet is magnetic for the relief of sore, aching hands. Then to sleep soundly and experience perfect rest and rejuvenation, my Naturest Sleep System is a cocoon of natural energies. It really is very easy to improve your health and the way you feel. You know you don’t have to change everything to have everything change!