You are an Amazing Chemical Factory

multiple trays of veggies and meats next to bowls containing more cut veggies

You are an amazing chemical factory. Your chemical factory performs thousands of chemical reactions every minute of every day. These chemical reactions are designed to create perfect and vibrant health, perfect respiration, O2 exchange, temperature regulation, fluid balance, digestion, absorption and elimination, cardio-vascular and neurological responsiveness, clear, glowing skin, perfect vision and hearing and anything else you might think of as defining health. But wait! If we are such amazing chemical factories, why are so many of us suffering with chronic conditions? Why is there so much diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, mental illness, digestive problems, etc.

The answer is simple. Just as with any chemical plant, there are certain ingredients necessary to make their product. There are certain tools necessary to accomplish each step of the process. It is the same for us, supply our awesome chemical factory with the necessary, high quality ingredients and tools and we would function optimally. The problem is, most of us don’t know what our body needs to function or where to get the best quality ingredients necessary to get the job done.


We discovered many years ago that we could change the trajectory of our health by focusing on the ingredients and tools necessary for life. These were very basic needs. These were things our body could not live without, things like oxygen, water, nutrition, sleep and energy. I know this sounds too simple and we thought so too. But when we focused on improving the quality of each of these basic needs, in a very short time our chemical factory started making a better quality product! In a matter of weeks we felt better. In a matter of months we noticed measurable improvements. We knew we had discovered a secret that most did not know. We discovered an amazing wellness system that provided top quality ingredients and tools for our awesome chemical factories to function optimally! We found our solution from Nikken, a trusted, innovative, global wellness provider for 46 years and will continue to provide wellness to the world for years to come.

Does this sound unfamiliar to you? It did to us at first. We also knew that what we were doing wasn’t working. I once heard said that our mind is like a parachute. It’s much more effective when it’s open! Open your mind and consider a new idea. This really isn’t new. There is a lot of science behind these concepts. It’s time to consider another way!

Be Healthy by Choice, Not by Chance
