Long life/healthy life…..we all desire to live a long, healthy life. But does a long life actually equate into a healthy life? Long life/healthy life?????

If you are a person of faith, you may believe that your life span is predetermined. When it is “your time” you will leave this earthly realm. Others believe your life is genetically predetermined. If your parents/grandparents lived a long life you probably will too.

Unfortunately, our health span dwindles away long before our life span. If you don’t believe me, just look at all the assisted living facilities from shore to shore. Our “healthcare system” is proficient at managing chronic conditions/diseases to lengthen our life span but what is our quality of life?

What is your belief? Do you fall into one of these catagories or do you take control of your health by becoming aware of ways to choose a LONG, HEALTHY LIFE?

For most of us, we are at our best health and performance in our 20’s. We can abuse our body with a poor diet, lack of sleep, over working and maybe partying a little too much and still function without trouble. By the time we are 30, it’s not quite as easy to recover and function if we have a wild weekend, overdo or burn the candle from both ends. By age 40 we are feeliing “over the hill” and from age 50+ the chronic conditions start to pile up. We accept this as normal, “you know I’m getting older”!


We have discovered an all too well kept secret that needs to be let out of the bag. Let’s get started! There are those who believe that in order to maintain and support your heath span one must focus on diet and exercise. Although diet and exercise are important there are actually 5 elements that are NECESSARY FOR LIFE! Some of these are so important that if eliminated from your life, you die (like right now)! It’s important to understand that providing the body a poor quality of any of these 5 elements prevents the body from functioning at it’s peak and increases the speed at which we deteriorate.

Air, for instance, is so essential that 6 minutes without it, you’re gone! Air sounds pretty important, yet our modern way of life has filled our air with deadly chemicals and toxins that we breath into our body causing body burden (a chemical load of toxins stored within the body). “Polluted air is the leading environmental risk factor for disease”, says Michael Brauer, University of British Columbia.

Water. Our body is 70-75% water. Every function, organ system, cell, must have water to accomplish it’s job. Sounds very important to me, yet our water sources are either contaminated with chemicals and toxins or very expensive, making it less desirable to include healthy water into our lifestyle.

Sleep is absolutely vital to health both mentally and physically….rejuvenation, detoxification and reparation. Studies show sleep is more important than exercise in promoting longevity. Yet many believe sleep is a waste of time and when one needs more time in their day, they eliminate hours of sleep. It’s also interesting the 80% of the American population suffers with sleep disorders and hesitates to do anything about it.

Nutrition is essential to sustain the body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, fats and fiber. The quality of nourishment we provide our body determines the quality of our body’s appearance and function. Unfortunately, as in all these necessary elements for health, our food supply has been contaminate by modern living. We have become a society of convenience. Our food supply is fast and over processed food, genetically modified food or food grown with fertilizers and insecticides. We breath, drink and eat chemicals and toxins daily.


Nature provides us all the necessary elements for a long life span with a long health span. Nature provides us air which, by the way, is cleaner than the air inside our homes. Natures air also provides us with negative ions that we inhale into our body increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain and body resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy. Nature provides us our water source. Even though most water sources are less than ideal, we can filter our water and turn it into the best drinking and bathing water on the planet. Nature provides us the natural energies that promote sleep. The daily changes in sunlight cause our body to make our sleep hormone, melatonin. Negative ions in the air promote calm and relaxation for the body. Spending more time in Nature helps you get a better night’s sleep. Nature provides us with REAL food. It is our job to find the best quality of food. Not processed, not shipped from another country, but buy food grown as close to you as possible with as few chemicals as possible. If not fresh food, frozen is you next best option. Organically grown food is your best option, but if that’s not possible, always read labels. Avoid food additives, sugar, preservatives, colors and enhancers. REAL food provides real nutrition. Nature also provides us with one more thing. It provides us with energy frequencies that enhance our body’s function. Every cell of our body (and we have trillions of them) responds positively to Nature’s magnetic frequency. Every cell of our body needs the free electrons that the earth’s surface has to offer us. We just need to connect to Nature. And when you can’t do that every day outside, Bring Nature into your Home or learn How to Bring Nature into your Home.