Build Immune Resilience & Strength


Let’s build Immune Resilience & Strength. Soon we will be able to get back out there. We will be around more people and of course we want to maintain our health. Previously we discussed questions that will help you determine your immune resilience and strength. . By honestly answering these questions you will have a pretty good idea how well your immune system works. Our bodies are designed to resist internal and external assaults. But when it’s not functioning optimally, both acute and chronic conditions begin to take hold and we may not feel as awesome as we want.

image of a medley of different cut and diced veggies on a plate

These tips will allow you to return to activities with less worry and fear:

  • Use positive “self talk”: Speak life, “I am well”, “I will stay well”. Speaking health talk is uplifting and positive and develops a positive body/mind connection.

  • Choose real food: Avoid fast food, prepackaged food and junk food. The shelves are almost bare if you shop up and down the isles of the grocery store. The produce section appears stocked very well. Fresh (or frozen) fruits and vegetables contain nutrition without all the preservatives and additives. Whole food, organic supplements are beneficial to assure optimal nutrition. Vital nutrients from mushrooms and greens when consumed together are especially supportive of a resilient and strong immune system.

  • Exercise: “Motion is lotion”. 20-30 minutes of exercise increases the metabolism, brain function and immune function. I have found YouTube provides any kind of exercise video you could want.

  • Get outside: 30-60 minutes of getting outside into nature is so beneficial. Deep breathing, sunshine and grounding support the body’s need for the natural energies provided by nature. Our bodies are designed to interact with and respond to nature. If you live in an area that is not conducive to getting outside, living in a wellness home actually brings nature into your home.

  • Drink water: Our bodies are 70% water. Water is vital for every function your body performs Respiration, digestion, elimination, brain function and immune function. Water quality is important so make it clean, alkaline, ionized and structured. Ingest quality water for every cell of your body.

Restart your engine! Be prepared to get back out there and live an active energized life. You can build a resilient and strong immune system and enjoy getting back to work, your friends and your family without fear.